Real life can be disappointing, especially compared to the TVs unveiled at this month’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. All of our authentic experiences aren’t properly backlit. Our eyeballs don’t see the whole world in 4K. If you’re thinking of going exclusive with your new boyfriend or girlfriend, you’d better get a look at him or her in HDR first — to see what your sweetie really looks like.

HDR Technology

HDR — or high dynamic range — is home theater’s New Thing. It’s not really that new — it’s just available to the average Joe now. Assuming the average Joe wants to drop a few grand on a TV. Plus, until recently, little programming was offered in HDR, but now a number of TV shows and movies are available to stream, and some Blu-ray discs are following suit. It might be a while, though, before you see an ample selection. Several dependable electronics companies developed versions of products offering this revolutionary technology.

Sony X930D HDR 4K TV, Salt Lake City, Utah

Sony’s new flagship, X930D / X940D 4K HDR with Android TV


Sony’s press release about their new line new line of 4K Ultra HD TVs with HDR describes the advances as “a greater dynamic range of luminosity and brightness levels, bringing greater contrast.” Better contrast ratios and greater color accuracy look better to the average consumer than more pixels. So when you combine all these components, you get a seriously superior product.

Samsung 4K SUHD TVs with built-in SmartThings Hub, Salt Lake City Utah

Samsung SUHD TV with built-in SmartThings hub


Never one to be late to the party, Samsung revealed its version of the same — the Super Ultra High Definition TV. (Next year: Ultimate Grand Supreme TV! Just kidding.) Samsung is using quantum dot technology to deliver greater brightness while using less energy.

Samsung 4K SUHD TVs with built-in SmartThings Hub, Salt Lake City Utah

LG OLED TV demonstrating High Dynamic Range (HDR)


LG trotted out its newest OLED TV (organic light-emitting diode) — now with HDR! OLED has been around for a few years, but LG has tweaked the colors and the brightness to further improve viewer experience. If you’re interested in more particulars about HDR and what makes it better than the last advancement, check out this article on CNET. Being thinner is a pledge many make right after the new year, but most of the TVs being shown off at CES had already achieved this goal — some only 3 mm wide! The rest of us should only find it so easy … If you missed all the excitement in Vegas this month, contact TYM Smart Homes & Home Theaters. Our experts can talk you through all the latest in TVs and home theater equipment and help you choose the best in new technology.


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