I have a Candlelight Home that came fully equipped with a Control4 smart home system. In this post I am going to share with you why I love my smart home.
Of course there are many more reasons than just 3, but in this post I am going to share my Top 3.
1. Front Porch Camera
I run a beauty spa out of my home, and I get clients coming to me from all over social media, so having them come to my home can sometimes make me a little weary. I no longer have to worry about that, thanks to my front porch camera. With just one click of a button I can see who is at my front door. You can even check it when you are not home, which is also an added bonus.
2. Lighting Control
There is nothing worse than sitting down on the couch all ready to watch a movie with your fresh bag of popcorn and having to get up because you forgot to turn off the lights. I am personally most guilty of being the last one in bed and forgetting to turn the lights off. I no longer have to rock paper scissors my husband to see who has to get up, I can lay in bed or sit down to watch my movie and turn off my lights with just my smart phone. I always ask myself how I survived without this.
3. Setting The Scene
I think this is my absolute favorite thing about my smart home. I have a wake up scene set up for the master bedroom. All you do is set the time that you want everything to come on. So for example in the morning at 6:30 a.m. my fireplace kicks on warming the room, the blinds come up slowly, the music kicks on, and the lights turn on all at once. This is the best way to wake up and greet each new day, its like I’m in a fancy hotel but its my own room. You can even set different scenes for different rooms.
It is very helpful to have all of these options with just the click of a button. Being able to control your whole home from your smart phone is so much more now days than just home security. Although I only mentioned a few things the possibilities are endless. Don’t just take my word for it, make your home a smart home and see the accessibility for yourself.
Featured Images are from various Candlelight Homes model homes that feature Control4 smart home control.

Heather Parrish
Smart Home Owner & TYM Office Assistant
Heather is an esthetician, beautifying clients in the comfort of her home spa. Along with their dogs, Pawsh & Nixon, she and her husband Riley enjoy relaxing in their Control4 smart home. Heather is also the TYM office assistant/scheduler.